Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's A Family Affair

We celebrated National Down Syndrome Month by thanking our family.  We are grateful for our precious James and for our wonderful children that have been on this journey with us. Thank you Tiffany for being such a great big sister... you have loved James with us... you have taught James how to play baseball, basketball and have been such a blessing to him and to us all these years. We celebrate James, but we also celebrate his brothers and sisters that have poured into James' life all these years....

We are so grateful for Holly who has played such a great part on our journey with James.  Holly (James calls her "My Princess") has such a gentle, quiet spirit with him. She calms him down with her gentle nature and they love each other dearly. Holly has taken such good care of him and has had a sense of looking out for him and protecting him. Thank you, Holly for loving and taking care of James all these years...He “wuvs” you!   You are amazing!

Last week, James got to escort one of his friends who was in the Homecoming Court! Robert put together his outfit. We thank  Robert who has grown up just loving and being such a great big brother to James. James calls him "Bobert" and looks up to him so much. Rob has included James with in his group of friends and invites him to go with him on so many activities. Thank you, Rob for the way you love James and for all the sweet things you do for him. We are so blessed.

Lastly, we celebrate Coco's contribution to James life...She was only 4 years old when James was born and was very much a part of his initial health crisis when we had to go back to the States. She came to every therapy session and helped us to do the therapy at home just naturally. James loves to prank her and gets so much satisfaction from joking her! I am so thankful for Coco and her sweet attitude of care and acceptance of James. She has had to share all the attention from us from when she was four and was so sweet about it. I love seeing them just love life together!

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