Friday, January 23, 2009

James "How to shuffle cards" instructional video

James is growing his skill set. He has long enjoyed playing with, organizing, counting any kind of cards. When we go to the dollar store he often asks for another deck of cards. Well James came bounding into our room last Saturday with computer in hand. It was early in the morning and so he jumped into the bed and snuggled up in between Cindy and myself. He then asked us to look at his latest video production. He had figured out how to shuffle cards. The amazing thing is that he clearly used his production eye to adjust the angle of the camera until he got it just right. Now this may not win an Academy award but for us it is a winner. He is thinking and growing and integrating so many new skills. 

In the office we are working to learn how to make and upload videos. It has stretched me and others. The truth is I am inspired by my "Jamie boy". If James can make a video, then we can make videos. 

Now I just hope James does not realize that some people do this card shuffling thing for money. If he does he may be off to Vegas. Not the job I am hoping he will get. 


Dannah said...

That is great! I must say that he shuffles much better than I can.

The Caldwells said...

wow! he's just so cool :) hug him for us!