Monday, April 7, 2008

Leg out the window…

It was Sunday night, time for our small group Bible study at home. While we were all engaged in the video presentation something was happening in the back of the house we did not know about.

Aunt Karen reported that she happened to look out her window (she lives across the street) and when she did, she saw something very unusual. There was a leg sticking out of the window in what she knew was James’ room. She quickly ran across the street to see what James was doing. When she got to him his response was, “Dati (his version of auntie), whachu doin here”. His plan had been unexpectedly interrupted. James was loving the warm weather and an open window. The idea of going outside without having to go through the adult filled living room and the ever present interference of his mother gave way to the idea of climbing out the window.

Auntie, thankfully, was looking at the window at the right time. We sometimes are convinced that a band of angels are assigned to James. One evidently tapped her on the shoulder and led her to look out the window just in time to see the leg out the window. Thanks Auntie.

PS. Today, I have done a little Dad magic to make it so he can't open his window. Hope he doesn't figure out what I did. I won't say it is impossible to open now. He is one smart little guy.


SammyB said...

2 words: "window pins"
We have them at Atlas Security. I can get you some if you would like.

We use them for security from intruders from getting in, but they are also good for keeping kids from getting out.

Just a thought. James reminds me of my son Pete. Out of my 3 kids, Pete is the one who acts first then thinks about it later. He doesn't think of the consequences. It sometimes just amazes me at some of the decisions he makes, because when I was a kid, I may have never dared to do what Pete does on a daily basis. ..........but with that said, this is what makes Pete Pete.

He is so adventuresome and full of love & fun. He is random & spontaneous. He is cute and lovable. Funny thing is that he has always been this way since day 1, and he will probably always be. Sometimes he scares us........but all and all he is such a free spirit that opens up my eyes everyday to notice the little things.

I bet James and Pete could have such great adventures together. When you tell stories of James, I always think of my Pete. Dont you just love that we can learn so much from them? Sometimes I think that I can be just TOO serious, but Pete is always there to brighten and lighten my day.

Just the other day, I was sitting in the house working on the computer, and Pete just came up to me at random, and said "Dad, I Love You!", and he looked up at me with a grin, and walked away. He didnt have any type of sly motive to get something that he wanted (ie: a cookie, a toy, or anything else). He just wanted to let me know that he loved me. That is what I love about Pete.

Thanks for having a blog about James. I love to read it. Keep it going!


Eddie Lyons said...


I loved your description of Pete. He sounds like a great kid. You should start a Pete blog. Anyway, I loved reading what you wrote. God teaches us so much through out kids. I agree that they even help balance us out.

Thanks for the tips on window pins. Where do I get them? Eddie

SammyB said...

We have them at Atlas.
I can talk to Jim, and see if we can get you some.
I am sure that we can make something happen to keep the legs inside.