Well today was my birthday. The big 5 - 0. While this breaking into a new decade was significant, like turning 13 or 16 or 20 it came with the sentiment of, "I can't believe I sound so old". For James however, what was important was there was another birthday in the house. Another cause for celebration. Gifts, cake and of course the "SURPRISE" moment. Cindy was busy in the kitchen preparing a great meal, my non-diet birthday fare and I was watching. James came into the kitchen to drag me out and pull me to wait in my room for the "SURPRISE". I will never get over how it is possible for him to derive great joy from a surprise that he is fully aware of. Joy comes so easy for him. At times for the rest of us we are bored with what has been or is and stay on this insatiable quest for something just that much more exciting. Not for James, repeat "surprises" work every time around. I was secured in my room with instructions to wait for him while he gathered his siblings into the dining room. He made sure they were crouched down behind the table and the dining room light was off. I then got the call to come in. And when I did everyone jumped up to yell "surprise" but the biggest smile and the greatest joy came from my little James who rushed up to give me a big hug. The birthday song began and James added his signature dance move with "cha-cha-cha" after each phrase. It truly was a great moment. James had taken us to the next level and we were having fun. Then it was time for the gifts. James on his own had gone to Mom's stash of gift bags and had his gift proudly prepared to present. I opened it up and discovered the plastic holder for the wet wipes. It was empty and purple and he and all of us knew what it was but it was something he found to give. If there ever was a time where it was "the thought that mattered" it was this. He was not going to come to the party empty handed so he found something to give and give it enthusiastically. He also took credit for all of the other gifts given by his siblings and his Mother. All in all it was a great night.
James truly did bring more joy than the rest of us would have thought to bring. He is a gift that continues to give us this joy.
PS. His autie Karen gave him a wallet with 17 dollar bills for Christmas. He has been big stuff carrying around his wallet and repeatedly counting his dollars. He took his sister Holly out on a "date" to McDonalds and enjoyed paying for their ice cream with "his money". This idea of money in a wallet had captured his fancy. Today when I went to put my wallet and money in my pocket I found the wallet but no money. I asked him if he had it. He had that look in his eye like he did not want to answer the question. Sometimes that means he really does not know, at other times it means he is guilty as charged and I really never know for sure. I did not have time to pursue the questioning because I was off to do a wedding. On the way home from the wedding I asked him if he knew where my money was. He took me down to Coco's room and began looking on the bed and in the closet. I asked if he had brought it downstairs. His answer, "no, detective". He was playing the part of the detective and was starting in Coco's room. The money is still missing. If he did take it we will find it when it turns up in his wallet or when we clean out his room. I will need to secure my cash with a bit more care from now on.
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