Saturday, October 3, 2009
Cindy and I were asleep in our beds when an unexpected caller rang the phone at a few minutes to midnight. Unexpected late night calls always have a way of jolting you awake with a curious concern and a kind of searching for why someone would be calling so late. Your mind races through the limited possibilities. The caller was our neighbor’s daughter. She called because our 13 year old son James was at her house. We were shocked. How could that be true? It was a dark and cool fall evening. The doors were locked, the alarm was on, his two sisters were laying down in the living room under blankets watching TV and James had been properly tucked in bed hours before. How could he possibly be at the neighbor’s house.
I got up to go get him. His sister went outside to look for evidence of his escape. Sure enough there was one of his small chairs under the flower box that was outside his window.
The window had been carefully closed after he left. His bed was made with a strategic lump of pillows in the corner. When I brought him back home I asked what the lump of pillows were doing in the corner of his bed and he enthusiastically said, “It’s James.”
James had carefully thought out and executed his plan for a late night excursion to some of his favorite people’s house, the Wilson’s. He had gotten dressed, made his bed, arranged the pillows to fool us that he was still there. He quietly opened the window. Silently lifted his small blue chair through the window and dropped it below the plant box to make his escape easier. He crawled through the window and then carefully pulled down the glass to make the window appear closed and undisturbed. And then off he went barefoot walking into the dark night, through the neighborhood his friend’s house in the middle of the night.
Needless to say by the time we had him back in bed Cindy and I were still in shock. We had moved into new territory. Our escape artist has gained new savvy and skill and our efforts to keep tabs on him just got a bit more intense. Thank God for the way He watches out for him. Cindy has often said that he must angels watching over him. I know the name of one angel that night. It was our most wonderful neighbor Ashley. She has always been so kind, patient and generous with James. She was an angel watching over him that night. Thank you Ashley.
I got up to go get him. His sister went outside to look for evidence of his escape. Sure enough there was one of his small chairs under the flower box that was outside his window.
The window had been carefully closed after he left. His bed was made with a strategic lump of pillows in the corner. When I brought him back home I asked what the lump of pillows were doing in the corner of his bed and he enthusiastically said, “It’s James.”
James had carefully thought out and executed his plan for a late night excursion to some of his favorite people’s house, the Wilson’s. He had gotten dressed, made his bed, arranged the pillows to fool us that he was still there. He quietly opened the window. Silently lifted his small blue chair through the window and dropped it below the plant box to make his escape easier. He crawled through the window and then carefully pulled down the glass to make the window appear closed and undisturbed. And then off he went barefoot walking into the dark night, through the neighborhood his friend’s house in the middle of the night.
Needless to say by the time we had him back in bed Cindy and I were still in shock. We had moved into new territory. Our escape artist has gained new savvy and skill and our efforts to keep tabs on him just got a bit more intense. Thank God for the way He watches out for him. Cindy has often said that he must angels watching over him. I know the name of one angel that night. It was our most wonderful neighbor Ashley. She has always been so kind, patient and generous with James. She was an angel watching over him that night. Thank you Ashley.
Hard at Work

This summer I lost all of my yard help. All of the kids have jobs and schedules and so the cheap lawn labor has gone. It has fallen back on me. But then there was one more kid in the house who showed some interest. I decided that it might be time for him to try. Now before you look at the pictures and think I have lost my sense of safety, let me assure you I was always a step away from this budding professional. He tired after a few rounds and so I think the yard work is still going to be mine.
Indiana James
Lake Day with the Wilsons
One of the highlights of summer was going to the lake with our dear friends and neighbors, the Wilson's. I am so amazed that James is fearless when it comes to the lake. He loves the tubing and insisted on jumping in the lake the swim. I did learn that when swimming in the lake with James even I need a life jacket. When he got scared he came holding on to me not realizing that I needed to keep my head above water to breath also.
Dad coherced Summer Walk
It was one of the few days that all the kids were together for a summer day in Branson. I decided it was time to put down the computers, phones and turn off the TV and do something together. My plan was a walk. The cries of protest came from every child but I insisted we would enjoy it once we got out there. We began the walk through the up and down hills of the subdivision. James protested constantly. He does not love walking. With my best efforts to inspire I led the group down the hill to look at the golf course and the fountain. After we got down there we realized, we now had a long walk UPHILL back to the house. After making half way, I could take the groans and moans from little James (and his siblings) no more. We sat down on the side of the road and called Mom to come get us.
The Big Birthday

It has been a long time since I have updated this blog. It is not so much because James has not provided more stories to report, just kind of got out of the routine.
Well it has been a good summer with some great moments. First of all James turned 13. And so now we have a teenager. It is an interesting combination of teenage attitude, desire to be independent and yet there is this developmental lag that combines for some interesting challenges.
He talks constantly and is convinced that the problem is not that his speech is unclear but that his listeners just don't get it. As the vocabulary and understanding grows so does the complexity of the game of charades and "guess what word this is". The great thing is that every time we finally "get it" there is a great shared sense of accomplishment and fulfillment for both him and us.
I will post a few pictures in the succeeding posts with an explanation. Most 0f the shots are pretty understandable. Here he is at the big 13th birthday.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I went with Coco up to the counter and we checked her bag and got the boarding passes all the way to Bangkok. Just before the group went to clear security they gathered for prayer. Coco made one last check of her back pack and noticed a bulge in one of the pockets. She had not put anything in that pocket so she investigated further. When she opened it there it was. The gun. It was not some plastic squirt gun. It was James' cowboy revolver. It had a long silver barrel and a big white bone handle. Although it was plastic the silver barrel and the bone handled toy looked very much like the real thing at the airport. Cindy realized that now they needed to smuggle the contra ban out the airport. She slipped it into a friend's bag. We prayed with the group and off they went to clear security. It was only after we got outside of the airport that I was told what had just happened. James had "pranked" Coco by sending her off with one of his toys. It would not have been funny for the authorities to discover the toy gun. Cindy and I got into the car just thankful that none of us had ended up in the county jail. We were also glad that Coco got off in spite of her little brother's prank.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The other day Cindy went to James' school to pay for his lunches. When she got to the lunch room and told one lady she wanted to pay for James Lyons' lunches she lit up and called all of the other ladies out to meet "James' Mom". They told her how much they loved James. He apparently provides some good entertainment. He is probably at his best at lunch because James loves to eat. The ladies ask Cindy if she had ever seen "the chicken dance". Cindy responded that she had not. So they proceeded to demonstrate that because James loves chicken so much, when that is what they are serving he does this celebratory jig.
They also went on to ask if she knew that James had a girlfriend. She was aware of this since notes are regularly exchanged and brought home in his back pack. They told her that lately he had been buying ice cream. And he even buys ice cream for his "girlfriend". And he calls her "WOMAN!" and then gives her the present.
James is at least two heads shorter than his WOMAN. His confidence level is off the charts. He has no insecurities to get him down. He does not care that the girl he likes is two heads taller or that she might reject him. I never had such confidence when in Jr. High School. I was too shy to talk to the girl two heads taller than me no matter how pretty she was or how much I liked her. I was too worried about being too unlikeable.
What a great thing to have this kind of moxie in Jr. High. We are however doing what we can to discourage the budding romance. We feel like he would be better served by math and reading.
They also went on to ask if she knew that James had a girlfriend. She was aware of this since notes are regularly exchanged and brought home in his back pack. They told her that lately he had been buying ice cream. And he even buys ice cream for his "girlfriend". And he calls her "WOMAN!" and then gives her the present.
James is at least two heads shorter than his WOMAN. His confidence level is off the charts. He has no insecurities to get him down. He does not care that the girl he likes is two heads taller or that she might reject him. I never had such confidence when in Jr. High School. I was too shy to talk to the girl two heads taller than me no matter how pretty she was or how much I liked her. I was too worried about being too unlikeable.
What a great thing to have this kind of moxie in Jr. High. We are however doing what we can to discourage the budding romance. We feel like he would be better served by math and reading.
That's My Car

Saturday, March 7, 2009
The pain of haircuts and the joy of grooming.
Well, it was time. The haircut could not be put off one more day. Now haircuts have never been an easy thing with James. When he was very little he would scream so loud and so hysterically Cindy and I worried that the neighbors would call the police. There is something about the cut hair falling on his neck that makes him hate haircuts. This has gotten better over time but it is still not easy and without protests. Cindy called me in to sit on the bed and just be in the room while she got the scissors going. Double teaming seems to help the whole thing. And so after yet one more less than enjoyable haircut James was done, bathed and back to his joyful self. He was profuse with thank you's. It is always kind of funny because he combs his hair and thanks his Mom and says, "I got my hair back". Feeling very dapper with a new hair cut and a fresh bath he often stands in front of the mirror to comb and pose. We usually get a few muscle man poses with the guns in full display. "I got my hair back." He is glad to have that over with for a while.
His overflowing euphoria about the finished hair cut put him in a grooming mood. After his hair was good and combed he gathered all of his stuffed animals and combed their hair one at a time until everyone in the room was ready for the paparazzi.
James Lyons "High St. Baptist Church"
"Hi, I'm James Lyons, pastor's son, High Street Baptist Church" We had a new receptionist the other day at the church office when Cindy and James dropped by. Always looking for something to explore James found the phone in the fax room with the headset. Immediately he put the head set on and went to work answering the phone. Thankfully it was mostly pretend and since there were no calls routed to that desk. All was well, or so I thought. I went on with my work and then later walked back through. I began to listen and then he gestured to me. Dad, "mean guys". "Where?" I asked. His response, "Means guys here, I call police." I didn't think much of it but happened to notice him actually dialing. I got there just in time. He whispered as he punched the buttons, 9-1-1 but before he hit the second 1 ... I grabbed the phone.
"James, do not call 911. The police do not like it when we "pretend" and call them", I scolded. I know this is a necessary warning.
A few Sundays ago, the house was full of the kids and some guests for lunch. James was in my bedroom watching tv. I went to check on him and saw that one of his favorite movies was on, Home Alone. He loves the pranks, the "mean guys" and the police. No worries, he was quite occupied so I went back to our guests. A few minutes later the phone rang. It was the 911 operator and she asked if someone had called about an emergency. Cindy assured her that all was well and that nobody... and then she paused and looked me. Well, maybe somebody did dial. It was James. Profuse with apologies to the operator we went back to talk to James. When I asked him if he had in fact called 911, I realized by the look in his eye and the hessitation that he had. I we had a little talk followed by a few minutes in the thinking chair.
Once again we had our 911 lecture after the church office near missed call. Life is never boring.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Shrek is cleaning James' room
It was a few minutes before our small group arrived last Sunday. With the family in a mad dash to put everything in order we heard the sound of a vacuum cleaner going in James' room. We thought that James had gotten in gear to help. Little did we know that it was actually Shrek cleaning his room. Why "just clean" when you can do so much more like pretending to be this amazing cartoon character and get the job done with gusto. Never a dull moment. We love it and the little guy that keeps things mixed up for us.
Friday, January 23, 2009
James "How to shuffle cards" instructional video
James is growing his skill set. He has long enjoyed playing with, organizing, counting any kind of cards. When we go to the dollar store he often asks for another deck of cards. Well James came bounding into our room last Saturday with computer in hand. It was early in the morning and so he jumped into the bed and snuggled up in between Cindy and myself. He then asked us to look at his latest video production. He had figured out how to shuffle cards. The amazing thing is that he clearly used his production eye to adjust the angle of the camera until he got it just right. Now this may not win an Academy award but for us it is a winner. He is thinking and growing and integrating so many new skills.
In the office we are working to learn how to make and upload videos. It has stretched me and others. The truth is I am inspired by my "Jamie boy". If James can make a video, then we can make videos.
Now I just hope James does not realize that some people do this card shuffling thing for money. If he does he may be off to Vegas. Not the job I am hoping he will get.
James at the Church Business Meeting
Last Wednesday was the annual Church business meeting. It is one of the few nights where there is no child care and so James had to join Cindy and the adults in the chapel. Most kids, mothers and others stay home because the meeting is... well let's say business. It is more about facts and reporting than teaching or an engaging presentation. We do our best to make it interesting but budgets always look like a lot of numbers on a page.
Well James sat in the back between one of his favorite people Lisa "Moisin" (Wilson) and Cindy. James is most blessed to have a friend in Lisa who somehow sees past all of his antics and loves him while not letting hime get away with murder. When it was time to pass out the ballots to elect Deacons James insisted on participating. To tell him that he was not 16 and really not an eligible voter would not suffice. He was determined to be a part of the voting process. He took his ballot and they heard him say as scribbled, "Vote, Eddie Lyons, Pastor, Yes". They all chucked as he joined in the voting.
It is great to know that I will always have at least one vote in the crowd. I get that vote even when I am not on the ballot. I get that vote everyday I am home when he comes bounding off the school bus. With all of the enthusiasm he can muster he yells, "My Dad!". This is followed by a hug and most often a request for a snack.
Well James sat in the back between one of his favorite people Lisa "Moisin" (Wilson) and Cindy. James is most blessed to have a friend in Lisa who somehow sees past all of his antics and loves him while not letting hime get away with murder. When it was time to pass out the ballots to elect Deacons James insisted on participating. To tell him that he was not 16 and really not an eligible voter would not suffice. He was determined to be a part of the voting process. He took his ballot and they heard him say as scribbled, "Vote, Eddie Lyons, Pastor, Yes". They all chucked as he joined in the voting.
It is great to know that I will always have at least one vote in the crowd. I get that vote even when I am not on the ballot. I get that vote everyday I am home when he comes bounding off the school bus. With all of the enthusiasm he can muster he yells, "My Dad!". This is followed by a hug and most often a request for a snack.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
My Birthday and James
Well today was my birthday. The big 5 - 0. While this breaking into a new decade was significant, like turning 13 or 16 or 20 it came with the sentiment of, "I can't believe I sound so old". For James however, what was important was there was another birthday in the house. Another cause for celebration. Gifts, cake and of course the "SURPRISE" moment. Cindy was busy in the kitchen preparing a great meal, my non-diet birthday fare and I was watching. James came into the kitchen to drag me out and pull me to wait in my room for the "SURPRISE". I will never get over how it is possible for him to derive great joy from a surprise that he is fully aware of. Joy comes so easy for him. At times for the rest of us we are bored with what has been or is and stay on this insatiable quest for something just that much more exciting. Not for James, repeat "surprises" work every time around. I was secured in my room with instructions to wait for him while he gathered his siblings into the dining room. He made sure they were crouched down behind the table and the dining room light was off. I then got the call to come in. And when I did everyone jumped up to yell "surprise" but the biggest smile and the greatest joy came from my little James who rushed up to give me a big hug. The birthday song began and James added his signature dance move with "cha-cha-cha" after each phrase. It truly was a great moment. James had taken us to the next level and we were having fun. Then it was time for the gifts. James on his own had gone to Mom's stash of gift bags and had his gift proudly prepared to present. I opened it up and discovered the plastic holder for the wet wipes. It was empty and purple and he and all of us knew what it was but it was something he found to give. If there ever was a time where it was "the thought that mattered" it was this. He was not going to come to the party empty handed so he found something to give and give it enthusiastically. He also took credit for all of the other gifts given by his siblings and his Mother. All in all it was a great night.
James truly did bring more joy than the rest of us would have thought to bring. He is a gift that continues to give us this joy.
PS. His autie Karen gave him a wallet with 17 dollar bills for Christmas. He has been big stuff carrying around his wallet and repeatedly counting his dollars. He took his sister Holly out on a "date" to McDonalds and enjoyed paying for their ice cream with "his money". This idea of money in a wallet had captured his fancy. Today when I went to put my wallet and money in my pocket I found the wallet but no money. I asked him if he had it. He had that look in his eye like he did not want to answer the question. Sometimes that means he really does not know, at other times it means he is guilty as charged and I really never know for sure. I did not have time to pursue the questioning because I was off to do a wedding. On the way home from the wedding I asked him if he knew where my money was. He took me down to Coco's room and began looking on the bed and in the closet. I asked if he had brought it downstairs. His answer, "no, detective". He was playing the part of the detective and was starting in Coco's room. The money is still missing. If he did take it we will find it when it turns up in his wallet or when we clean out his room. I will need to secure my cash with a bit more care from now on.
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