Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What are you doing, James…. I’m smokin!

It was the 72nd Anniversary Sunday at High Street. We were entertaining our guest speaker and the former pastor, Bill Rogers. We left the church and loaded up the car to meet Pastor and Mrs. Rogers, Dave (their son) and his wife Kendra for lunch at one of our local restaurants. It was one of those car talk moments where James was given the parent talk that goes like, “James you better act nice at the restaurant. Be respectful, eat properly, look into people’s eyes when you say thank you and please…and please, please be a good boy.” Well things went pretty well during the meal. As most parents come to realize, adult lunches sitting in the same spot for way longer than it takes to eat is not an easy exercise for kids. At the end of our time, James picked up a straw and walked from one end of the table past our guests, to the other end of the table with his straw pointed at his brother Robert. I figured that a spit wad war was on the verge of breaking out. Hoping to head this off at the pass, I asked James. “James, what are you doing with the straw?” To which he replied as he elegantly pulled the straw away from his lips, “I smokin.” Nope, we had never covered smoking in any of our pre lunch lecture material. Thankfully, Pastor and Mrs. Rogers erupted in laughter having raised their own PK’s and understood clearly our kid moment with James.


Hillengrandma said...

Pastor, I so love your stories about James. My mother grew up in a pastor's family. She was one of 6 children and all of my life I have heard lots of stories of things that they did that embarrassed their parents, but they were just kids being kids.

Eddie Lyons said...

You are my favorite Grandmother blogger. Thanks for the comment. Hope you all are doing well.